Thursday, December 19, 2024

Non-responsive newspaper publishers

 I'm going to name two, both of whose positions — ME or similar — I saw on Journalism Jobs.

First, the Marysville (California) Appeal-Democrat. I noticed the opening about 10 days after they said "looking to fill immediately" but thought I would apply anyway, with a query as part of that. Marysville not the ideal place due to climate change; the Central Valley is going to get even more roasting in the future, and I don't know what Marysville's particular wildfire susceptibility is.

Flip side? Near Sacto, and not that pricey for California.

My query? That was a multi-part one, all related to pay being hourly, not salaried. I first wanted to know if this was due to some California state wage and hour law. I secondly wanted to know how they handled OT for the position.

Never heard back.

Second? The Emporia Gazette, home of William Allen White, and still owned by the White family, was looking for a "news and online" editor. Seemed to walk, talk and quack like an ME, but, the parent company, owning half a dozen or so papers in northeast and north central Kansas, may have consolidated management levels, and so, it's only one ME over the group, which would raise salary questions.

Anyway, this paper also said "looking to hire immediately," and wanted references as part of initial application. I generally don't do that, and per above, Marysville didn't ask. Without mentioning them by name, I mentioned "another newspaper" not wanting that, and told the Emporia publisher I wasn't attaching them.

No response. That said, the current news/online editor looked like they might also be adjunct faculty at Emporia State. Her LinkedIn and other items indicate she is there in some capacity, whether adjunct or graduate teaching assistant, after getting an MA, possibly as a second-career grad student, seven years ago.

Also, an old e-edition has two other county newspapers, from other counties, bundled with the Gazette. Also per that e-edition, they don't charge extra for out-of-county print subs; only out of state.


Update, Jan. 4, 2025: I have a backdoor answer on a third job — readvertised. AND? The original posting said "$80-100,000" on pay versus $75-$85K on this. (JournalismJobs deletes original postings when a position is readvertised, so I'm going by memory.) Yikes. Is Swift in that much trouble as a corporation, even with all that high-end real estate having been advertised in many of its papers? That said, Steamboat's e-edition, at least compared to what I remember 18 months ago on print issues of Vail, Aspen and even Glenwood, didn't have THAT many ads. Also, for allegedly being in such a hurry to fill the position, they're not, if they readvertised. And, from what I've heard, two weeks after that readvertisement, gotten an internal candidate to accept. Whether the paper set out to do that or not, it comes off as "resume skimming," something I've been a targeted part of before.

Always remember that the newspaper biz remains very capitalistic.

Update, Feb. 10: A second newspaper in this chain has also readvertised. Stand by for internal candidate being hired, even though it had just two staff writers and one was in process of moving out of the area? Or maybe Granby poached one of Steamboat's staffers? Since this is a month later, I don't trust my memory, but it may be the same pay as first ad.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

So, what does Muck Rack do to verify journos who don't have Twitter?

 I have a Muck Rack account. And, the Twitter account currently associated it was permabanned, i.e. "suspended," back in the Ice Balls Jack Dorsey days.

Well, what was my primary Twitter account until a month ago was originally locked until I delete six tweets in the Elmo Musk vs Ken Klippenstein world.

Ain't doing that, and two tertiary accounts of mine may just whither on the vine, since TweetDeck is no longer free.

Elmo's minions eventually unlocked my Twitter again, but the idea still stands?

So, that's more than just rhetorical. And, doesn't it show how behind the times Muck Rack is?