Thursday, March 31, 2022

A new newspaper player in Texas

 I was wondering who Cherry Road was, seeing them advertising for several openings on the Texas Press Association website.

And, this is them, by national newspaper presence.

OK, here in Tex-ass? In my area, Sherman-Denison used to be Gannett-Craphouse. Can't remember who owned Van Alstyne and Melissa-Anna. Waxahachie and Midlo used to be American Consolidated Media. So, at least some of their pickups are papers being dumped by midsize and larger players.

They appear to have some concept of "clustering," which the companies they bought from often didn't.

That said, Cherry Road Media is just one division of a much larger company. They're big IT folks, if companies like Oracle and DocuSign are listed as partners, even if there's some puffery behind that. They're big on data.

So, what will this clustering from this new owner involved? Good question. Expect a bigger push to online, and data mining and targeting as part of that, even more than a Gannett-Craphouse did, perhaps?

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