Thursday, December 22, 2022

RIP Michael Lindenberger

 Until I saw the Chronicle's obituary story for its former deputy opinion editor, I never put the two and two together that it was the former Snooze editorial writer and columnist. 

I can't recall having direct run-ins with him, unlike a couple of the, er, THE Morning News' neoliberal columnists, who weren't even left-neoliberal, but who, under the dynasty of Keven Ann Willey, talked about how librul they really were. They weren't, even before going further right with Brendan Minitur as her replacement. And, what can you expect from a paper that couldn't get ancient history right?

But, I digress.

Per the Louisville Courier-Journal obit story, he was really sick if he dropped 50 pounds in just several weeks. I would say stomach cancer, but the story said his primary doctor couldn't nail anything down and he was scheduled to see specialists. Had to have been sad last days for him, wondering if he really was dying just months after getting a journalism dream job.

Hold on to your dreams, even if they're fleeting.

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