Thursday, May 04, 2023

Yeah, should be a good time at the TPA convention

Lemme see, keynote speakers include, in a publishers' Q&A roundtable:

Lisa Chappell, a CNHI publisher. Really? Representative of a chain as bad as hedge-fund ones, but not even having that excuse, to riff on a New Republic piece from two years ago. What is she going to talk about? "How to commit the appearance if not the actuality of pension fraud"?

Bill Patterson of the Denton Wrecked Chronic. Is he going to talk on the topic of: "Find the NPR station in your town"? Or maybe elaborate, on dead trees being killed for useless print filler, on how his paper is like a CNHI one?

Leonard Woolsey of the Galveston News. His topic might be: "How to sic a reporter on another reporter i the name of PR, not facts."

And, among the sponsors? The Column organization that is allegedly helping TPA member papers by ultimately helping itself.

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