Thursday, July 27, 2023

How much does the Texas Press Assn get paid to push PR releases?

 Because this one, just by the first paragraph, is a doozy:

Austin, Texas – Rather than raising venture capital (VC) to finance his tech startup, Michael Ramirez has opted to list his home for sale to generate funds. A marketing SaaS company founded in 2017, Evisio is a search engine optimization platform designed to streamline the SEO process and improve search rankings for users of all skill levels.

Given the full story, to me, re Evisio, this is definitely "buy an ad." In a sense, the story is nice, not just "nice," as a feature story. It's also selection bias — have other people tried this and failed? An investigative news piece might find that out. Even a non-investigative feature piece might find it out by asking him where he got the idea.

And, I hope TPA got its cash up front, rather than a slice of a mortgage.

I use a lot of TPA's guest columns, especially if they're about serious stuff like National Child Abuse Prevention Month. (I use about one-third of Texas 2036's stuff, and I've become less and less interested in what the George Bush Republicans have to say overall.)

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