Monday, January 29, 2007

How to make a tidy additional tax write-off for your newspaper group or yourself as owner

1. Own a newspaper company. For “fleshing” out the story, let’s just pretend the headquarters is in central Texas. Let’s also pretend you own 20 papers at this time, mainly weeklies, all except two generally in central Texas.

2. Own a ranch in west-central to southwest-central Texas. Again, to flesh things out, let’s pretend it’s near Junction. (We don’t have enough fleshing-out information to specify whether the anonymous Mr. You personally owns this ranch, or if it officially belongs to your rock-solid newspaper company.)

3. Have mandatory company-wide staff meetings.

4. Have these meetings not only for publishers (a reasonable idea), but also for managing editors, and even for ad sales managers. Again, just fleshing the story out.

5. Have them all at your nice ranch in Junction, since it’s the off-season from your deer lodge leases out here.

6. Since it does have that lodge as part of it, make sure the meetings cover parts of two days, so your guests can stay overnight.

7. Complete your various IRS forms, sit back and feel a bit better.

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