Friday, October 26, 2018

Peter Principle at community papers world too

I've repeatedly ranted on Twitter at the likes of Bret Stephens, Bari Weiss, and Tom Friedman, among newer and established members of the NYT op-ed page as example numero uno of the Peter Principle in action.

But, it happens at a lower level, too. Guy who I replaced at one paper and beat me out to run another, which he left less than a year later?

Has left multiple spots after less than a year's to an even year's time, all for non-downsizing reasons, either just quitting or getting fired. The only place he stuck was GateHell, and probably because he couldn't get out.

Currently at a place where ... who knows? (He's been there less than a year, too.) But, it's a place I wanted to be some number of years ago.

It's not just this person, it's just that his is the case I know best.

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