Friday, November 22, 2019

Journalists "less morally developed" than 13 years ago:
Is it wingnuts, Gnu Media, some of both?

A new piece at Psy Post says that, compared with 13 years ago, journalists are less moral today.

1. Priming, namely by reminding them they are journalists, was used to see if that induced more morality. The results were compared to a study 13 years ago.
2. The priming was found to make NO morality inducement this time.
3. It's a fairly small sample size, just 171.
4. Interestingly, all subjects self-identified as digital journalists.

That, in turn, leads me back to a post just a few days ago about how having a YouTube channel and a couple of social media feeds may make you — MAY make you, they don't guarantee you to be — a journalist in the eye of the court system sub specie Primo Amendmento, but they DON'T AT ALL guarantee you're a journalist, let alone a "publisher" in the media world sub specie scribendo atrimento.

I wonder how much of this is winger media. The Project Veritas type stuff is basically all winger-side stuff. No liberals let alone lefties do that.

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