Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Paywall openings go a group wagon-circling-jerk
on the question of taking gummint money

So, longtime newspaper paywalls opponent Mathew Ingram asks the question whether taking money from the gummint, per a new state of New Jersey fund, is a necessary evil or just evil.

He gets fellow paywalls foe Jeff Jarvis as one of his five panelists discussing the issue. (I don't know the stance of the other four on paywalls.)

That said, if it is a "necessary evil" rather than just evil, have you looked at and exhausted ALL other options first?

Like, uh, paywalls?

Nope. Not mentioned.

Because Ingram and Jarvis have already proven they don't work. (That's sarcasm; I've written a bit here, more than six years ago, and in detail, and lots elsewhere, about my thoughts about their thoughts about paywalls.)

The idea of a community type news site, or an alt-weekly site, going even more radical and JUST and ONLY being a newspaper, with no website? Not explored at all.

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