Monday, May 04, 2020

1619 Project: The Pulitzers slouch toward Gomorrah

The only reason I can figure that the 1619 Project won a Pulitzer, despite both scads of historical incorrectness AND crappy editorial oversight at the New York Slimes, as I blogged about earlier, is virtue signaling.

Like Obama winning the Nobel Piss Prize, it seems to be virtue signaling. Hannah Jones, Jake Silverstein et al won because of who they're not.

The real Ida B. Wells, who got a special Pulitzer citation, is eminently deserving. Nikole Hannah Jones, who has the Twitter slugline of Ida Bae Wells? Not so much.

There is a bit of silver lining or two. The award was under commentary, which means OPINION, for Jones' opening essay in the project.

On the third hand, commentary should still be factually based, and this is not, and it still carries the stains of the whole project, because it serves as a framing device.

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