Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Dear formerly daily papers: About those comics

The former daily closest to me did a head-scratcher in last Tuesday's edition of the now-triweekly.

It ran two days worth of comics.

I checked back on previous issues.

No, it hadn't.

Be consistent.

Yes, you were caught in a hole of sorts, being on an odd number of pages because of a special graphics page about the 75th anniversary of World War II officially ending with the Japanese surrender at Tokyo Bay

No matter.

At some point, corporate is going to renegotiate those comics deals anyway. Especially if they look at dropping back to semiweekly.

And otherwise, readers have been kind of futzing through skipped comics unless they bother to read the off days on your e-editions. (I still say, outside of seven-day dailies like the Arkansas Democrat looking for statewide coverage, most papers are looking for too much salvation from e-editions.) Start running a double set on rare days, and they're going to want them every day.

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