Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Gainesville paper gives state Rep. free campaign ads

 I'm speaking, as in the past, about the Gainesville, Texas, paper.

State Rep. Drew Springer was just re-elected, and as is tradition in a banana republic state with a legislature that meets just every other year, Drew, along with other Legiscritters, filed a bunch of bills on the first day of filing, a week after the election.

The Gainesville (formerly daily) Register saw fit to put that on the front page.

At a weekly, in a smaller community, I MIGHT have put that BELOW THE FOLD on the front page. 

In a normal election year.

I NEVER would have stripped that across the top on all six columns as the lead story.

Not in a normal year and certainly not this year.

This year being different as in Springer is in a runoff special election for a state senate seat. And, just about every one of the bills he filed was a pander against claims by his opponent, Shelley Luther, that he's not a "real conservative."

In short, the Register gave him a shitload of free advertising.

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