Thursday, October 13, 2022

"Pink Slime" is now officially bipartisan

 We all now about wingnut "Pink slime" fake news sites. Some are blatant, with almost no actual local news, and only regional, state and national news release type stuff from PACs, etc. masquerading as news, like the Metric Media stable. A few, like the paper in DFW that adopted the name of a now-defunct Black newspaper, and part of Metric's allies will have some local "reporting," but that will be more hatchet job than actual news. (More on it and Monty Bennett's nuttery here.)

Well, Democrat-affiliated PACs, etc., per Axios, have decided that, if you can't beat them, join them. And, with all the same excuses, like "these places are news deserts already anyway, so ...."

Oh, and shock me that #BlueAnon thought leader David Brock is behind some of this.

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