Thursday, May 16, 2024

Gainesville Register trying to kill print subscribers?

 That's the only thing I can think of for their latest stupidity, which came from at least the regional level of CNHI, if not headquarters.

The semiweekly paper — which doesn't even have the largest Texas Press Association circulation numbers of a TPA member newspaper in its own county — raised its newsstand price to $1.50 for midweek and $2.00 for weekend, from previous of $1.25/$1.75.

Those are prices for a 10-page newspaper with no sports other than signing days and one other story, since the end of football season; 10-page newspaper WITH one of those full-page CNHI HQ infographic pages every issue; AND with what all CNHI papers — and some other idjits like the Denton Record Chronicle also continue to do — and with a full three pages of black/white comics, and other comics section material each issue. (On this last item, I assume it's part of CNHI still trying to "puff" or "fluff" its papers in hopes some sucker believes them that they're worth their 1990 values. With Bill Patterson in Denton, since the KERA takeover is already in progress, I have no idea what's in his mind doing six days of that for a print weekly.)

Then, there's pure stupidity on the editorial side.

OK, April 30 issue? Gainesville is known beyond the local area for the Medal of Honor parade and events. Paper runs a couple photos up front, then a HALF page photo page on the back page. Was there a paid color ad on the bottom half? Nooooo .... there wasn't a PAID at at all. Rather, CNHI's "Golf in Bammy" half page ad runs — in BLACK AND WHITE.

And, all this with the presumed luxury of a pagination hub.

Anyway, comp papers in this region to the Register?

Bowie News and Wise County Messenger both have 1.5-2x as many pages each issue, as semiweeklies, than Gainesville. Both have full local sports coverage. Both have 3x the amount of local news coverage, if not more. Both still priced at $1 both issues.

That's why I laughed when TPA asked regional publisher Lisa Chappell to be one of the featured speakers at last year's convention. What insights did she have to offer?

1 comment:

Gadfly said...

Actually, they cut to 8 pages their first midweek in August. I don't know if this will become a trend or not.