Wednesday, December 18, 2019

At least the vulture capitalist journalism ownership class
is honest about their vulture capitalism now

Digiday reports that the mavens (actually, just Marc Benioff, not THOSE Maven-s, nor Meredith) at Time Magazine are selling a tiered membership plan.

Top tier? $20,000 a year.

But WAIT! That's not ALL! You also get a trip to Davos.

Surprised that Steve Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell, missed out on this with Atlantic going behind a paywall.

You could have a $20,000 top tier membership with an invite to Apple's WWDC, the Worldwide (guess two W's is as cool as calling what should be about OS 12 as still OS X) Developers Conference.

But, back to Time.

The other membership tiers?

Seems like Time is trying to buy / bribe people with insider status somewhere to be their version of Instagram influencers.

Per the link, it's clear that's what Forbes is doing.

But, let's not limit it to Time, Atlantic and Forbes.

There's plenty of opportunities here.

Bloomberg Business? Contribute $1 million through a super PAC and you can be President Michael Bloomberg's Treasury Secretary.

Any newspaper owned by CNHI? Contribute $20,000 and get a week of free furlough every quarter.

The remnants of Gawker? Contribute $100,000 and get a free hippy punching of Peter Thiel plus 100 hours of free criminal defense lawyer service.

The Bulwark? Contribute $100,000 and get a super-duper NeverTrump ad and cookies blocker on all devices, plus lifetime free trips to Chez Netanyahu.

The Intercept? Contribute $10,000 plus a special memo with secret encryption to Glenn Greenwald and get to have him (accidentally?) reveal the encryption.

You get the idea.

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