Thursday, February 27, 2020

ABC sucks on David Wright

ABC has suspended and reassigned political reporter David Wright for telling the truth about income inequality in America, offering up media analysis of the MSM's coverage of Trump, and his personal political opinions.

There were two problems.

One: He told it to someone from James O'Keefe's Project Veritas. The "heavily edited" (but of course) video then started making the rounds.

Two: He also told the truth about the corporatization of media, which ABC then promptly proved true.

Unless you're at an opinion mag, you should have the right — and the comfort level — to freely express your opinions.

And, people at opinion mags agree!
That said, I'm OK with The Nation or National Review having standards on toeing some sort of party line. (That said, why the hell is Hillbot Joan Walsh still at The Nation?)

That said, as long as corporate media and James O'Keefe are around — never assume!

I'm sure the suits at ABC also oppose national health care so that they have m ore chances of keeping the David Wrights of the world enserfed.

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